Among the commitments undertaken by the Municipality, a 50% reduction in quality standards or in any charges related to the change of the intended use of the identified opportunity, and the creation of a preliminary consultancy service issuing written opinions.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
The opportunity proposed by the Municipality in the Bergamo province is a greenfield area, which is extended for 11,400 sqm and called Area Via Madrid Via Berlino corner to be used for industrial / activities. The area is close to the main infrastructure networks and is located in productive area of Zingonia. It is also equipped with all the main services: energy, water, telecommunications and digital infrastructures for high-speed connectivity via through optical fiber. The area has been sold.
In the industrial area where the settlement opportunity is located, the Municipality has carried out redevelopment works including a cycle path right on the main access axis and parking lots adjacent to the settlement opportunity. In addition, it has produced a strategic marketing plan to analyze the local economic environment, the attraction factors and the settlement vocations of the area and published a promotional video.
Among the commitments undertaken by the Municipality, a 50% reduction in quality standards or in any charges related to the change of the intended use of the identified opportunity and the creation of a preliminary consultancy service issuing written opinions.
Particularly, the following interventions are being applied by the Municipality:
Semplification commitments
- Guarantees that the Action Plan presented by the company is adopted by the City Council in less than 90 days from the date the request was registered.
- Releases, upon a complete request being made, a Planning Permission in less than 60 days from the request.
- Ensures an online 'front office' service or a dedicated section in the municipality's portal where investors or potential investors can find all useful information.
- Uses and implements the 'electronic desk'.
- Uses the SUAP [single contact point for productive activity] for proper additions to the Electronic Company File.
- Guarantees a training course for the SUAP operators.
- Participates in training programs related to the Electronic Company File.
Economic and fiscal incentives
- Declares in advance all the urban planning and construction expenses, making sure not to introduce additional expenses.
- Provides for an IMU [municipal property tax] + TASI [municipal tax on community services] tax rate of 10.40‰ in the areas identified.
- Provides reimbursement of IMU and TASI debits and credits.
- Reduces the qualitative standard and any expenses needed to change designation of use by 50%.
Promotional activities and assistance to investors
- Provides preliminary consulting services and support to companies in the presentation and implementation of their projects, with the issuance of written opinions if requested in the proposal.
- Holds regular meetings to solve any problems with the investment process and to provide support regarding methods for payment of local taxes.
Why investing in Verdellino?
The presence of a large number of companies, of urbanistic well-defined and interconnected industrial areas, of structured services in the area or in the surroundings, are certainly attractive factors for new investors or for the expansion of existing realities.
The Bergamo province, accounts several industrial districts and specific areas of the Orobic territory are also part of the meta-districts as declared by the Lombardy Region.
In detail, the Province of Bergamo presents four specific recognized districts: the Textile District – Valseriana; Rubber and Plastic District of Sebino; Packaging and clothing accessories Bergamo-Valcavallina-Oglio; Electrical, electronic and medical equipment - Medolago Solza.
And for the participation to all the meta-districts of the Lombardy: Food biotechnology Antegnate, Bergamo, Caravaggio, Casazza, Chignolo d’Isola, Fornovo, San Giovanni Martinengo, Pagazzano, Romano di Lombardia, Spirano. Altre Non-food bioteconologies Albano, S.Alessandro, Bergamo, Filago, Scanzorosciate. Design Val Brembilla, Lurano, Seriate, Viadanica. Fashion Albino, Bergamo, Bonate Sopra Brignano, Gera d’Adda, Casnigo, Castelli, Calepio, Cazzano, Sant’Andrea, Cene, Clusone, Chiuduno, Cologno al Serio, Gandino, Ghisalba, Grumello del Monte, Lallio, Leffe, Mornico al Serio, Presezzo, Urgnano, Vertova. Materials Bergamo, Bottanuco, Brembate di Sopra, Canonica d’Adda, Ciserano, Costa di Mezzate, Dalmine, Grassobbio, Osio Sopra, Osio Sotto, Seriate, Telgate, Verdellino, Verdello. ICT Bergamo, Palosco, Pradalunga, Stezzano.
Furthermore, the area of Zingonia participates with all the 5 municipalities (Verdellino, Verdello, Ciserano, Boltiere and Osio Sotto) to the Lombard meta-district of Materials.
The districts play a fundamental role in the economic development of the Bergamo area. Indeed, the 11th annual report promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo certifies that, in 2017, the districts kept scoring better revenue growth performances as compared to the non-district areas (+4,3% at current prices vs + 4%) and growth continued in 2018 (+3.4). The construction of a path that, involving companies and institutions, leads to recognizing the area of Zingonia as a specific industrial area, with unique characteristics in the Bergamo context, could lead to the recognition, if not of a district, of a Special Economic Zone with special facilities to further develop the already present economic potential.
The local economic framework can give rise to some important considerations. Despite the considerable presence of individual and micro companies, the productive environment of Verdellino, which is a perfect representation of the Zingonia territory, has a significant manufacturing share, which even characterizes the majority of PMI. The presence of important entrepreneurial activities, next to smaller ones, leads to having more than 100 realities with yearly revenue higher than €150.000 and to 22 with a yearly revenue higher than €5 mln.
In a context of great diversification and presence of individual companies, there are different craft activities and big productive poles, with a significant sectorial diversification. From precision mechanics to advanced chemicals, from pharmaceutics to heat management systems, from plastics to painting, the Verdellino territory offers a glimpse of the economic system of the Bergamo province and of its characteristic districts.
The framework of connections with the main highways (A4, A35 and TEEM), the presence of a high-frequency regional railway station, the proximity to the third Italian airport with flights to 39 countries and 131 destinations, make Zingonia a strongly interconnected pole and is one of the main local competitive advantages. Only a few industrial areas in the Bergamo province can claim such a connected mobility system.
The development plan of the Zingonia area saw the creation on the territory of important services that represent an important attractive factor for those that want to reside or start a business there. These include big buildings in the health sector, like the San Marco Policlinics and the Habilita care home, hotels (such as the Palace Hotel), GDO and sports areas. The overall services framework makes ZIngonia one of the most interconnected within the medium plain, and the average market value of productive buildings is very attractive for possible investors, considering the high interconnection of the mobility network and the local services.
Today the Verdellino - Zingonia area is a reality that hosts over 600 companies on its territory: 17 spa, 177 srl, 75 partnerships, 10 cooperatives, 327 individual enterprises. For more information, take a look at the website created by the Municipality of Verdellino