Verano Brianza
In terms of streamlining, the Municipality undertakes to release the Building Permit in less than 45 days and to provide a preventive consultancy and assistance services to the investors, thanks to the relevant offices. Regarding tax breaks, relevant is the 75% flat rate reduction of the property surface subject to TARI.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
There were three privately owned greenfield areas made available to investors for industrial and activities, covering more than 289,000 smq of total land area, located in the municipal area of Verano Brianza: Integrated intervention program "Cava Borgonovo" - Verano 1, Integrated intervention program "Cava Borgonovo" - Verano 2 and integrated intervention program "Cava Borgonovo" - Verano 3. The three greenfield areas have been sold.
The Municipality will carry out urbanization works for the overall review of the road section between the main road axis and the direct access route to settlement opportunities in order to improve accessibility and evening safety. The Municipality also aims to maintain a high service level of the Single Desk for Productive Activities through training new specialized professional figures and the continuous updating of staff resources.
Participation in the AttACT program has produced the expected results. All actions implemented to facilitate investment, including, for example:
- urbanization works, which concerned the overall revision of the road section between the main road axis and the direct access route to settlement opportunities, improving its accessibility and night-time safety;
- the training of staff, with new dedicated professional figures and the continuous updating of staff resources, which has enabled the Municipality to maintain a high level of service of the One Stop Shop for Business Activities;
- tax concessions and simplification, the reduction of the IMU and TASI rates, along with the flat-rate reduction of 75% of the building area subject to TARI (waste fee), the issuance of the Building Permit in a period of less than 45 days and the use of a preventive advisory service and accompaniment to investors by the offices in charge, have helped to make them even more attractive and close sales negotiations for all three candidate areas.
Particularly, the following interventions are being applied by the Municipality:
Semplification commitments
- Guarantees that the Action Plan presented by the company is adopted by the City Council in less than 90 days from the date the request was registered.
- Releases, upon a complete request being made, a Planning Permission in less than 60 days from the request.
- Ensures an online 'front office' service or a dedicated section in the municipality's portal where investors or potential investors can find all useful information.
- Uses and implements the 'electronic desk'.
- Simplifies payments by creating a single contact for the payment of all expenses owed to the municipality and other entities.
- Uses the SUAP [single contact point for productive activity] for proper additions to the Electronic Company File.
- Guarantees a training course for the SUAP operators.
- Participates in training programs related to the Electronic Company File.
Economic and fiscal incentives
- Declares in advance all the urban planning and construction expenses, making sure not to introduce additional expenses.
- Provides for an IMU [municipal property tax] + TASI [municipal tax on community services] tax rate of 10.6‰ in the areas identified.
- Reduces the TARI [waste disposal tax] with a standard abatement of 75% on the surface of the building subject to TARI.
- Provides reimbursement of IMU and TASI debits and credits.
Promotional activities and assistance to investors
- Provides preliminary consulting services and support to companies in the presentation and implementation of their projects, with the issuance of written opinions if requested in the proposal.
- Holds regular meetings to solve any problems with the investment process and to provide support regarding methods for payment of local taxes.
- Enables forms of collaboration with the credit institutions in the region.
Why investing in Verano Brianza?
The Municipality of Verano Brianza offers a good functional mix, in which industrial, commercial and residential areas coexist, separated from each other by physical elements such as green areas, roads or, more generally, natural/artificial barriers. But what are the competitive advantages of the area?
Localizzazione strategica: la provincia di Monza e della Brianza gode di una posizione centrale nel territorio regionale e tra bacini di riferimento di rilievo (dal punto di vista sia di mercati potenziali, sia di fornitori).
- Strategic location: the province of Monza and Brianza enjoys a central position in the regional territory and among important business basins (from the point of view of both potential markets and suppliers).
- Excellent road connection: the exit of the A4 Milan-Venice motorway which guarantees rapid connections with the cities of Milan and Bergamo; the A9 motorway which connects the metropolitan city of Milan with Como and the border with Switzerland; the Route 36 to Lake Como and Spluga.
- Good accessibility: the area has an excellent degree of accessibility by road and rail.
- Widespread entrepreneurship: the province of Monza and Brianza has a strong vocation for entrepreneurship, especially artisanal and SMEs.
- Quality of artisan products recognized nationally and internationally.
- Proximity to the training centre for wood-furniture trades of Lentate sul Seveso.
- Concrete support by organizations and institutions: there is widespread and transversal sensitivity by the stakeholders present in the area (Bodies, Associations, etc.) in creating a favourable climate for the establishment and development of economic activities, with a particular focus on streamlining procedures and simplifying bureaucracy.
- Facilitating factors: in the evaluation processes of new settlements by economic operators, the presence of an adequate infrastructural endowment, including the technological one, is considered of primary importance.
The territory can count on several points of strength: the production activities (precision mechanics, furniture and design, chemistry, etc.), the tertiary-commercial sector (natural shopping centres, urban and non-urban attractions), the tourism, leisure and sport sector (historical heritage of villas and gardens, industrial archaeology, public and private heritage of sports and leisure equipment).
In recent years have witnessed a restructuring of its economic system, with the decentralization of manufacturing activities, a lower direct commitment to local production and a reduction of large companies in favour of small and medium-sized ones, especially in the service sector, as well as in commercial and high-tech production activities. The final result of this restructuring was the diffusion in the province of a complex articulation of small and medium-sized enterprises which, starting from the distinctive sectors of the past (mechanics, plant engineering, textile-clothing, wood, etc.) have focused on multi-sectors, on the integration of activity and on the high mobility of men and goods.
La struttura produttiva del comune di Verano Brianza a fine 2018 contava 755 aziende, di cui il 30,9% costituito da imprese di servizi. A seguire il 24,9% delle imprese è attive nel commercio, il 21,9% nelle costruzioni, il 17% nel manifatturiere e solo l’1,1% nell’agricoltura. L'area della Brianza è caratterizzata da una radicata presenza artigiana (40,1% sul totale delle attività), impegnata negli ultimi anni in una fase di rinnovamento per accrescere la propria competitività. I settori con le percentuali più significative di imprese artigiane sono quello delle costruzioni (quasi l’80%) e il manifatturiero; significativa è anche la percentuale di imprese artigiane nel settore dei servizi, nonostante risulti inferiore al 50%.
The production structure of the municipality of Verano Brianza at the end of 2018 counted on 755 companies, of which 30.9% consisted of service companies. 24.9% of companies were active in commerce, 21.9% in construction, 17% in manufacturing and only 1.1% in agriculture. The Brianza area is characterized by a deep-rooted artisan presence (40.1% of total activities), engaged in recent years in a phase of renewal to increase its competitiveness. The sectors with the most significant percentages of craft enterprises are construction (almost 80%) and manufacturing; the percentage of artisan enterprises in the service sector is also significant, although it is less than 50%.
The key role of Brianza in the Wood-Furniture District is also confirmed by the inauguration at the end of 2018 in Lentate sul Seveso of the Training Centre for the wood-furniture trades, a 3 thousand square meter office where it is possible to attend a course of study for basic vocational training in "Wood operator" and post-diploma courses in "Marketing and Internationalization" and "Research and Development". The project originated from the difficulty expressed by local companies to find suitable professional figures at all levels, from technicians capable of working the raw material and operating increasingly technological and sophisticated machinery, up to experts in international markets and commercial strategies.
Also, the creation of a City of Sports contributes to the attractiveness of the area. It consists of a Wellness Centre and a University Clinical Institute gathered in a single area of of 40,000 square meters. Goal of the project? To give leisure, well-being and sport to the citizens of the Municipality and the district, through a unique project of social integration between public (Municipality of Verano Brianza) and private (Policlinico di Monza) sector: «The Citadel of Health».
Furthermore, in 2009 the Higher Training Institute for Companies and Enterprises was also created by the Monza Polyclinic Health Group, thanks to the training background developed in over 15 years of scientific and clinical assistance activity. The institute carries out training activities in the health and health and safety in the workplace. The Verano Brianza University Clinical Institute is the only case in Italy of a health facility inserted in a sports context, capable of developing health policies in synergy with the surrounding area. The institute covers a commercial area of approximately 8,000 square meters and annually provides over 200,000 outpatient services.
Among the large companies in the area, MediaWorld has officially opened its new Italian Headquarters in Verano Brianza, by launching the first Retail Lab in Italy, which consists of hybrid spaces combining executive offices and sales points. The Lab follows a unique concept: if necessary, the shop can be transformed into a campus-laboratory designed for the continuous experimentation of new design, offers and relationship with customers.