Val Brembilla
The Municipality is committed to activate a valley conference on credit by involving banking institutions to offer a system of guarantees more favorable to businesses, to supply the Company Information File and to strengthen the organization of the One-Stop Shop for Productive Activities with the aim to simplify administrative procedures to more than 250 companies.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
Two brownfield settlement opportunities identified by the Municipality: the Ex-Tovein Area and the Salvi Bonaventura Area (the latter area acquired an investor and has been sold), both privately owned, extended for 6,150 smq of total gross area to be used for industrial / activities.
Among the interventions carried out the AttrACT program: the cabling from the existing fiber optic network backbone; the Tecnolab (innovation, research and training center for the manufacturing activities of the area, carried out through the reconstruction of the Kuwait Expo Pavilion); the implementation of the PGT through the creation of specific documents aimed at qualifying the main production or abandoned areas.
The Municipality has powered the electronic company and strengthened the organization of the One-Stop Shop for Productive Activities, simplifying administrative procedures to more than 250 companies.
Particularly, the following interventions are being applied by the Municipality:
Semplification commitments
- Guarantees that the Action Plan presented by the company is adopted by the City Council in less than 90 days from the date the request was registered.
- Releases, upon a complete request being made, a Planning Permission in less than 60 days from the request.
- Ensures an online 'front office' service or a dedicated section in the municipality's portal where investors or potential investors can find all useful information.
- Uses and implements the 'electronic desk'.
- Simplifies payments by creating a single contact for the payment of all expenses owed to the municipality and other entities.
- Uses the SUAP [single contact point for productive activity] for proper additions to the Electronic Company File.
- Guarantees a training course for the SUAP operators.
- Participates in training programs related to the Electronic Company File.
Economic and fiscal incentives
- Declares in advance all the urban planning and construction expenses, making sure not to introduce additional expenses.
- Provides for an IMU [municipal property tax] tax rate of 8,7‰ + TASI [municipal tax on community services] tax rate of 1.1‰ (for cadastral categories D TASI tax rate of 1‰)
- Reduces the TARI [waste disposal tax] by 30% from the current amount for activities that dispose "on their own" of their own special waste.
- Provides a TARI exemption.
- Provides reimbursement of IMU and TASI debits and credits.
- Reduces the primary and secondary land development expenses, as follows: PRESENT PARAMETERS Expenses of urban. primary: €/smq 20,27 Expenses of urban. secondary: €/smq 10,19 Standard urban: €/smq 100,00 Cost of construction: €/smq 408,20 Waste treatment and disposal costs: €/smq 3,50; REDUCED PARAMETERS FOR THE AREAS SUBJECT OF THE CALL Expenses of urban. primary: €/smq 14.41 Expenses of urban. secondary: €/smq 4.97 Standard urban: €/smq 41.00 Cost of construction: €/smq 320.76 Waste treatment and disposal costs: €/smq 3.50;
- Reduces the qualitative standard and any expenses needed to change designation of use by 21%.
Promotional activities and assistance to investors
- Provides preliminary consulting services and support to companies in the presentation and implementation of their projects, with the issuance of written opinions if requested in the proposal.
- Holds regular meetings to solve any problems with the investment process and to provide support regarding methods for payment of local taxes.
- Enables forms of collaboration with the credit institutions in the region.
Why investing in Val Brembilla?
Val Brembilla has a recognizable territory, embedded with work culture, a cohesive and high-quality area, far from secondary factors to the competitive challenges to assume in a global relations’ context.
A now secular for its characteristic local history manufacturing district. Indeed, Val Brembilla is home to a manufacturing system, which is undoubtedly relevant as compared to its demography (79 companies, over 1,400 employees compared to 4,328 inhabitants), and capable of paying great attention to changes within a constantly renewing and sustainable industry, that operates mainly in sectors related to the processing, production and distribution of mechanical components, wood and plastic materials.
To coordinate local businesses and services and facilitate the qualification, the skills exchange and the creation of place and citizenship economic value, around the excellence centers of the Kilometro Rosso, the Point, in the surroundings of dalminese, the Municipality activated the sharing of missions, of businesses and citizens’ services, of simplification and innovation rules and procedure for the promotion of a valley district. This is one of the priorities for the activation of clusters or production parks, for a better coordination of companies and services, in line with the Framework of commitments recently made by the Chamber of Commerce, the Municipality of Bergamo, the Province of Bergamo, the University of Bergamo, Confindustria, Companies & Territory, Trade Unions and UBI Banca.
Administration and producers also use a Co-development Pact, where companies aim at environmental objectives and are available for sharing, while the administration guarantees support services and active valorization actions. Briefly, it presents itself as a specific site focused on the qualification of the local vocations
The Pact plans to exploit the opportunities both in regional planning and in Industry 4.0 and corporate welfare incentives, to guide the local system to become a cluster.
We are therefore working on the implementation of an attractiveness and efficiency project for the local production system through the activation of policies to support the entrepreneurial system and the generational transmission of industrial competence making the existing informal district evident and qualifying it as widespread APEA (ecologically equipped production area) according to the provisions of Legislative Decree 112/98. The goal of the APEA will be producing economies, relations between local actors and help for the creation of new businesses.