San Giovanni in Croce
In terms of payments simplification, the Municipality introduces the possibility of fulfilling electronically the charges due to all PPAAs. In terms of concessions, it commits not to charge the payments of urbanization costs (primary and secondary), for companies wishing to establish themselves in the "Sacchini" area, and to issue Building Permits within 45 days from the request.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
The Municipality presented the Sacchini Area, a publicly owned greenfield area with more than 10,900 square meters of land area that lent itself to a variety of activities, from the industrial / manufacturing to even logistics, in fact, given its the excellent location in a strategic position and in an interesting industrial / craft environment, the area was sold to a company.
With the agreement was carried out infrastructural interventions among which: the installation of the optical fiber in the main nodes of the industrial-artisan area, the cabling of the municipal office, and the creation of a system to increase the safety of businesses, thanks to bidirectional gates for the complete control of access roads in the municipal and industrial areas.
On the subject of payment simplification, the Municipality introduces the possibility of fulfilling electronically the charges due to all PPAAs. In terms of concessions, it commits not to charge the payments of urbanization costs (primary and secondary), for companies wishing to establish themselves in the "Sacchini" area, and to issue Building Permits within 45 days of the request.