Among the commitments undertaken by the City, the most relevant, in terms of simplification, is the implementation of the Telematic Desk. On the level of economic and tax incentives and concessions, a 50 percent reduction in the quality standard and any charges necessary for the change of use.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
There are four settlement opportunities, privately owned, identified by the Sabbioneta municipality. They are historic buildings with 6,675 sqm of total gross floor area: the “Ex Casa di Riposo G.Serini of the Isabella Gonzaga Onlus Foundation”, “La Grangia”, “Spalto Badesi” and “Villa Cantoni Marca”. For all of them the intended use is tourism.
Thanks to the Attractiveness Agreement, the municipality has redeveloped the areas close to the historic walls with urbanization works such as upgrading the paving, signage and public lighting for a better enjoyment of the historical center. Among current account interventions, we highlight the implementation of the color plan, which is an integrative element in the urbanistic plans, functional in making building practices clearer and faster and the purchase of capital goods and new software for the improvement of services for businesses.
Among the efforts of the municipality, the most relevant one, in terms of simplification is the implementation of the telematics desk. In terms of economic and fiscal incentives and concessions, for the identified areas, it is planned a 50% reduction of the qualitative standard and of potential charges necessary to change the intended use.
In detail, the Municipality implements the following actions:
Semplification commitments
- Guarantees that the Action Plan presented by the company is adopted by the City Council in less than 90 days from the date the request was registered.
- Releases, upon a complete request being made, a Planning Permission in less than 60 days from the request.
- Ensures an online 'front office' service or a dedicated section in the municipality's portal where investors or potential investors can find all useful information.
- Uses and implements the 'electronic desk'.
- Simplifies payments by creating a single contact for the payment of all expenses owed to the municipality and other entities.
- Uses the SUAP [single contact point for productive activity] for proper additions to the Electronic Company File.
- Guarantees a training course for the SUAP operators.
- Participates in training programs related to the Company Electronic File.
Economic and fiscal incentives
- Declares in advance all the urban planning and construction expenses, making sur not to introduce additional expenses.
- Provides for an IMU [municipal property tax] + TASI [municipal tax on community services] tax rate of 10.6‰ in the identified areas.
- Reduces the TARI [waste disposal tax] by 20% from the current amount.
- Provides reimbursement of IMU and TASI debits and credits.
- Reduces the primary and secondary land development expenses for the identified areas, as follows: Standard parameter of the Municipality: 11.00 €/sqm for restaurant and 5.60 €/sqm Improvement parameter for the identified areas: 5.50 €/sqm for restaurant and 2.80 €/sqm
- Reduces the qualitative standard and any expenses needed to change designation of use by 50%.
Promotional activities and assistance to investors
- Provides preliminary consulting services and support to companies in the presentation and implementation of their projects, with the issuance of written opinions if requested in the proposal.
- Holds regular meetings to solve any problems with the investment process and to provide support regarding methods for payment of local taxes.
- Enables forms of collaboration with the credit institutions in the region.
Why investing in Sabbioneta
The Municipality of Sabbioneta, located in the southwestern area of the Province of Mantua, is part of the Oglio - Po district of the Mantuan municipalities.
The territory is served by a series of infrastructures that allow the connection, in a few minutes, with the major centres and with the major infrastructures (such as important arterial railway and traffic routes; A1, A21 and A22 motorways; Parma and Verona airports). The territory, therefore, is far from isolated; on the contrary, its location being in a strategic position to reach the cities of Mantua, Brescia, Cremona, Parma, Reggio Emilia. Although in the past the territory has been affected by a certain slowness in terms of development, however this disadvantage has turned into territory’s greatest strength.
Therefore the waste of soil is absolutely minimal, this allows to best apply the goals achieved in terms of environmental sustainability, setting up new activities both by recovering and reinterpreting existing buildings, and by building entirely new residences and production or accommodation units. The location and the particular historical moment allow for a sort of re-foundation by reconciling development with the preservation of territorial characteristics.
The local economic system reflects, in due proportions, what on average is observed at the provincial level. However, there are no particular imbalances between sectors; the activities are of medium-small type. The two companies Panguaneta SpA and Ortofrutticola S.r.l. are characterized by a leading role in their sector: respectively, wood processing and distribution of products for large-scale retailers and Horeca. Both at a small scale and industrial size level, there are only three units, one operating in the wood sector and two in the metallurgical one Beside these, a few dozen companies can be defined as artisans operating in a variety of activities. Therefore, there is no territorial specialization on a specific issue.
Despite the small number of companies that operate in the territory, the perception is that of a territory strongly rooted in agriculture, with cereal and shrub-type crops for breeding. The territory is connected to the agro-food sector, with the presence in the area of important horticultural districts and medium-sized industrial areas, located along the main arterial road cross.
The identification as a centre of great historical and artistic interest configures its tourist vocation. In fact, starting from 2008 Sabbioneta launched an organic and multidisciplinary program focused on the protection, enhancement and promotion of the architectural heritage, first by adapting its Territory Governance plan to the Management Plan of the UNESCO Site. This document regulates, in a timely manner, the management of the recovery interventions for the buildings included in the walled city, or in the “core” of the UNESCO site.
In addition to the adaptation of its own government tools, Sabbioneta promoted the establishment of the "Le Regge dei Gonzaga" Cultural District. The Le Regge dei Gonzaga Cultural District Association was born on 14 June 2011, under the initiative of the Municipality of Mantua, the Province and 12 other 12 Municipalities. The purpose of the Association is the creation of the Le Regge dei Gonzaga cultural district, a project promoted and financed by the Cariplo Foundation in the framework of the wider Cultural Districts project. On the private side, the District also sees the participation of the Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria, Milan Polytechnic - Mantua Regional Centre.
The Cultural District represents a model of territorial development, in which the primary purpose is the enhancement of the cultural material and immaterial assets present in it. This through an organized and territorially delimited integration system between institutions and infrastructures on the one side and services provider and productive sectors on the other.
Within the framework of numerous initiatives proposed by the Cultural District, of particular interest is the "Open Construction Sites”. The main actors involved in this initiative were the other Lombard Districts, the Gonzaga Heritage Business Network, the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators of the Province of Mantua and the Preventive Programmed Conservation Centre of the Politecnico di Milano.
The enhancement, reorganization, repositioning and promotion of the "Ideal City" is based on the involvement of national and international energies and resources, and on the activation and strengthening of strategic relationships and alliances. Sabbioneta is investing in a new location, renewing both its positioning in geographies and cultural and tourist itineraries (Mantua, Parma, Milan), and the quality of its offer, in order to reach different targets of national and international visitors.
The Sabbioneta Heritage Foundation, a private law institution that constitutes a model for cultural and non profit initiatives management which can be joined providing money, tangible or intangible assets, expertise or services. The Foundation develops a constant coordination and collaboration work with the following subjects: The Unesco Office of Mantua and Sabbioneta, the competent Supervisory Authority, Politecnico di Milano, territorial office in Mantua and other realities such as Parma.
Finally, as far as human capital, the professional skills existing in the area are enough to meet the demand. While from a telecommunications point of view, the Sabbioneta area is affected by fiber optical infrastructure, active on the entire municipal area.
Sabbioneta takes part in Invest in Lombardy, the service of Lombardy Region, its Chamber of Commerce System and the co-operation of Promos Italia, which supports investors.
Those who are going to invest in Sabbioneta will receive benefits in different fields: visit the web site and download the PDF for more info.