The Municipality is committed, regarding streamlining activities, to the establishment of a “CLUSTER Single Desk Productive Activities – Construction Single Desk”, able to provide preventive preliminary consultancy services and assistance to the companies, with the release of written opinions in less than 30 days, both regarding productive activities and productive constructions and, regarding fiscal incentives, TARI exemption.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
In the Mediglia Municipality, the “Ambito Ex Porcilaia” a brownfield, privately owned, 23,000 sqm of total surface area, intended for industrial / craft activities, stands out.
Among the main interventions within the Municipal area, the agreement included the enhancement of the main access to the town, considered strategic for the presence of the municipal headquarters. The works created summarize the agricultural vocation of the area by promoting its identity. It was also realized a Strategic Marketing Plan, which analyzed the local economic environment, the territorial attractive elements, and the local settlement vocations, in particular the “Ambito Ex Porcilaia”.
Regarding streamlining activities, the Municipality has created a “CLUSTER One stop shop for Productive Activities – One stop shop for Construction”, able to provide preliminary investigative consulting services and assistance to companies, releasing written opinions in less than 30 days, regarding both productive activities and productive constructions and, regarding fiscal incentives for TARI exemption.
Particularly, the following interventions are being applied by the Municipality:
Semplification commitments
- The Implementation Plan, presented by the company, is granted to be adopted by the City Council within 90 days since the registration of the request.
- The Municipality releases, given the completeness of the request, the Building Permission, within 60 days from the application.
- It grants an online front office service or a dedicated section in the website of the Municipality, with all the information helpful for investors and aspiring investors.
- Utilizes and implements the telematic desk
- It simplifies the payment management, through the creation of a single interlocutor for all the charges due to the Municipality and other authorities.
- It provides for the proper feeding of the business IT file through the S.U.A.P.
- It ensures a training course for the S.U.A.P. operators
- It takes part to training programs for the business IT files.
Economic and fiscal incentives
- It preventively declares all the urbanistic and construction charges, trying not to introduce further charges.
- It grants an IMU rate of 8,5‰ + a TASI one of 0‰
- It grants the TARI exemption for 5 years
- It provides the clearing of the IMU + TASI debts and credits
- It reduces the urbanization charges (primary and secondary) as follows: Municipality standard: 0%; Improvemnt parameter for the selecteed areas: 25%.
Promotion and investors assistance interventions
- It provides preventive preliminary consultancy and assistance services for the presentation and implementation of the project by the company, with the release of written opinions, if required by the applicant.
- It organizes periodical meetings, both for the resolution of any possible issues regarding the investment process, and for support of the local charges payments.
- It implements collaborations with the local credit institutions.
Why investing in Mediglia?
The development of the local entrepreneurship and its enhancement represent an important theme, of interest for the local entities, as new attractive poles supporting the centrality of the Lombard city. The local economy revival strategies, in the sense of economic development, have the objective of developing positive economic cycles, improving both the offer and the placement opportunities. The close proximity to the attractive poles and the high environmental connectivity of the territory allow the growth of the already existing potentialities and characteristics.
The Municipality of Mediglia, located in the south-east area of Milan, has 85% of its territory located within the “Parco Agricolo Sud Milano” (PASM). Its strong agricultural nature made it possible the proposal of the “Istituzione del Distretto Agricolo del Sud-Est Milano”, aimed at creating a model able to integrate the agricultural development with other types of promotions and increase of goods and services of the territory, together with the natural and local vocations.
The productive structure of the Mediglia municipality is composed of 596 companies, of which 43% are services, 23% are commercial activities, 19% construction businesses, 9% firms and 7% agricultural companies. The employees are 5,635 (data from Istat 2011).
The main attraction factors include:
- Strategic location, accessibility and closeness to the Linate airport and to basins of primary importance
- Technological infrastructure coverage
- Fiscal pressure for firms, relative to industrial sheds and offices, below the average of the Municipalities in the provinces of Milan, Monza and Brianza and Lodi.
- Strong specialization in the chemical field (e.g. Mapei, ACS Dobfar)
- Proximity to the University pole of Città Studi, for both the possibility to activate collaboration projects and the facility to enter in contact with professionals to insert in the company
- Predominance of a young and active population and high employment rate
- Coordinated management between the main stakeholders in the territory and the Municipalities in the area for the implementation of services and the realization of infrastructures and analysis for the development of the area.
- Support the economic operators, interested also thanks to the Municipality’s participation to the AttrACT program
- Local presence of areas and disused buildings through which it is possible to use the urban regeneration plan of the homogenous south-east area and of the Metropolitan Territorial Plan.
Eight are the main settlement opportunities for economic and social development for the Mediglia Municipality: 1, Ambito Ex Porcilaia; 2, Ambito Mapei; 3, Ambito ACS Dobfar; 4, Ambito Atr1; 5, Pii Ambito A; 6, Ambito Ex Tritovagliatore Rifiuti; 7, Cascina Triginto; 8, Villa Danioni.
Being able to implement the use of the identified settlement opportunities, especially of the projects that would be ready in the near future, represents for the Municipality, and for the whole area in which it is located, an economic and social development opportunity, as the true economic turnover and the opportunities that would emerge afterwards, are surely going to be massive, just think about the creation of around 500 new placements.