Busto Arsizio
Among the commitments undertaken by the Municipality, particularly significant is the TARI reduction commitment, obtained through the exemption in the first year of installation and a gradual tax reduction mechanism, related to the years of installation.
Agreement for attractiveness between
Regione Lombardia
This is a greenfield settlement opportunity identified by the Municipality of Busto Arsizio intended for industrial / craft activities, for a gross surface of over 12,300 square meters: Production Settlements Plan - South West Sacconago industrial area. The area has a strategic position regarding road and intermodal connections (9 km from the A8 motorway, 5 km from the station, 16 km from Malpensa Airport).
To enhance the area, thanks to the regional contribution, the Municipality has implemented a series of strategic interventions. These ones include the creation of an ecological platform and a strategic marketing plan to analyze the pull factors of the territory, with particular attention to attractiveness policies.
Among the commitments undertaken by the Municipality there is the implementation of the Electronic Desk, thanks also to the leading role of Municipality in terms of SUAP, and to the correct supply of the Electronic Company File. It has led to the file through the positive closure of more than 80% of the procedures and the concurrent supplying of the FI. Particularly significant is the TARI reduction commitment, obtained through the exemption in the first year of establishment and a gradual tax reduction mechanism, related to the years of establishment.
In detail, the Municipality implements the following actions:
Semplification commitments
• Guarantees that the Action Plan presented by the company is adopted by the City Council in less than 90 days from the date the request was registered.
• Releases, upon a complete request being made, a Planning Permission in less than 60 days from the request.
• Ensures an online 'front office' service or a dedicated section in the municipality's portal where investors or potential investors can find all useful information.
• Uses and implements the 'electronic desk'.
• Simplifies payments by creating a single contact for the payment of all expenses owed to the municipality and other entities.
• Uses the SUAP [single contact point for productive activity] for proper additions to the Electronic Company File.
• Guarantees a training course for the SUAP operators.
• Participates in training programs related to the Electronic Company File.
Economic and fiscal incentives
• Declares in advance all the urban planning and construction making sur not to introduce additional expenses.
• Provides for an IMU [municipal property tax] + TASI [municipal tax on community services] tax rate of 10.10‰ in the areas identified.
• Provides a TARI [waste disposal tax] exemption for the first year, a reduction by 80% on the second year, a reduction by 60% on the third year, for the fourth and fifth year by 40% as specifically regulated by art.18 bus.D of the IUC Regulation.
• Provides reimbursement of IMU and TASI debits and credits.
• Reduces the primary and secondary land development expenses for the identified areas, as follows: Costs of urban planning primary: 39.67* €/sqm of Land Surface
• 20%= 31.74 €/sqm Costs of urban planning secondary: 36.42* €/sqm of gross floor area
• 20%= 29.14 €/sqm (the rates have been revalued on the date of the call).
Promotional activities and assistance to investors
• Provides preliminary consulting services and support to companies in the presentation and implementation of their projects, with the issuance of written opinions if requested in the proposal.
• Holds regular meetings to solve any problems with the investment process and to provide support regarding methods for payment of local taxes.
Why investing in Busto Arsizio?
The strengths of the Busto Arsizio area include the high business density and the "work culture". The Province of Varese is the 3rd in Lombardy for manufacturing (7.2 every km2) and artisan enterprises (17.6 every km2) concentration.
With an economic infrastructural endowment index equal to 258.9 (Italy = 100), the Province of Varese is the territory in Lombardy with the most infrastructures (also thanks to the airport and railway system). Varese has the potential to strengthen its strategic role as a connecting hub between continental Europe and northern Italy, as it is located at the center of the Rhine-Alps railway corridor (TEN-T), which connects, through the Domodossola crossings and Chiasso, Northern Europe at the port of Genoa (“Milan-Turin-Genoa triangle”).
The area is served by the Malpensa airport - the second Italian airport in terms of passengers (22.2 million people) and the first in terms of goods handled (about 590,000 tons) - and hosts the Hupac freight village in Busto Arsizio, one of the largest in southern Europe (with a capacity of 8 million tons per year and 450,000 units handled per year).
Busto Arsizio lies at the heart of the cluster called the Milanese Logistics Region (RLM), a logistic densification area serving the North-West economic system, the leading pole of generation and attraction of goods to and from Italy:
- 1,500 logistics service companies,
- over 15,000 road haulage companies,
- a 20 billion euros turnover, equal to approximately 26% of the Italian market.
These Technological Clusters are also recognized in Busto Arsizio:
- Energy Cleantech Cluster: strengthens the energy and clean technologies production systems, working for their continuous development and attractiveness.
- Life Sciences: which facilitates the sectorial progress in the diagnostics, advanced therapies, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and health-applied technologies fields.
Two historical supply chains characterize the Busto Arsizio area: one of textile/clothing, and the other of mechanics (production of machinery and components).
The Province of Varese hosts prominent research centers and is part of the Metadistricts:
- Non-Food Biotechnologies
- Commercio
- Fashion (Cotton Textile and Clothing Center)
Textile-clothing and mechanics (production of machinery and components) are the sectors that represent the economy of Busto Arsizio and are the most present in the Sacconago area, where, among the production sectors, the textile branch and the mechanical/plastic branch (which represent about 70% of the established companies) prevail. But there are also some wholesale, service, and logistics activities.
The coverage of the technological infrastructures of the Busto Arsizio Municipality is a high-level one. 4 Mobile Network operators guarantee 4G coverage, which is thus optimal. Instead, the Fixed Network is guaranteed throughout the municipal area almost entirely with ADSL fiber.
The efficiency of the Public Administration represents a facilitating factor for territorial development. For example, Varese is the 1st Province in Lombardy and among the top 20 in Italy in the Institutional Quality Index (score equal to 743.4 compared to 704.5 of Lombardy and 596.9 in Italy), and the 4th Province in Lombardy and among the top 20 in Italy for the average duration of civil litigation processes (190.4 days compared to 205.4 in Lombardy and 341.2 in Italy).
The Province of Varese is building leadership on sustainable development: it is among the top 20 in Italy for companies investing in green out of the total (and 3rd in Lombardy) and sees the affirmation of sustainable development models. It is the 3rd Province in Lombardy for separate urban waste collection (75.2%). It experienced a +70.2% in car-sharing usage between the 2016-2017 two-year period, equal to 8.5% of the regional total.
The Municipality of Busto Arsizio also offers a wide range of academic programmes at all levels. From kindergartens to high schools to technical institutes and universities, Insubria and LIUC in Castellanza.
Finally, widespread prosperity is a distinctive feature of the territory: for example, the Province of Varese is the 1st in Lombardy and 10th in Italy for durable goods average spending per family (€ 2,888 in 2017), and the 1st in Lombardy and 2nd in Italy for travel and tourism expenditure per capita (€ 1,166 in 2017).