The Lombardy Region at MIPIM in Cannes
Lombardy is the Italian real estate leader with 22% of national transactions
It is well known that Lombardy is the engine of Italian real estate.
In fact, it is the region with the most real estate sales in Italy, 158,000 transactions in 2022, i.e. 22% of the Italian ones, more than a fifth of the market.
It is also expected that urban and territorial regeneration will bring an added value to Lombardy that can be calculated up to 224 billion euros in 2035 (source), while real estate for businesses recorded increases in italian sales in all sectors: production (+13.5 %), deposits (+5.8%) and offices (+8.4%) (source).
And at MIPIM 2023, the international reference fair for the Real Estate sector, scheduled from 14th to 17th March in Cannes, which will be attended by the sector's main decision makers, the Lombardy Region will promote 23 real estate development projects involving the regeneration urban development and over 200 investment opportunities which, among others, concern the segments with a better performance such as warehouse assets for production purposes and offices, currently in the attention of investors.
Among the projects presented, there are relevant urban regeneration projects such as "Borgo Antico of Vizzola Ticino” (VA), with the redevelopment of properties, buildings and land constituting part of the historic core of the Municipality as well as others of considerable historical importance, to be reserved for tourist accommodation facilities, such as the renovation of the Ex Collegio Gigli in the Municipality of Bellano (LC), the redevelopment of the Grand Hotel of San Pellegrino Terme, in the homonymous Municipality of Bergamo and the reuse of historic houses that belonged to the noble Mantuan Gonzaga family: the Villa del Serraglio, with an adjoining park overlooking the lake, in the Municipality of Toscolano Maderno (BS) and the Villa Guerrieri Gonzaga in the Municipality of Sustinente (MN). The latter envisages the creation of the MASP (Mantua Agriculture Sustainability Project) project, a training, innovation and agricultural experimentation center for companies and associations.
In line with the trends of real estate, senior and student housing projects will be presented by the Municipalities of Cisano Bergamasco (BG), with the "Domus Colombera", a multifunctional project with residences for the elderly, and the Municipality of Torre de' Busi (BG) with the "Borgo Nuovo", to be used for residential purposes including Senior Housing.
To find out more about the real estate development projects presented by the Lombardy Region, visit the Milano and Lombardy at MIPIM 2023 and websites!
At the Lombardy Region stand R8.B13 there will also be the opportunity to network and cultivate strategic partnerships during the "Buongiorno with Milano & Lombardy'' meetings, two Italian breakfasts open to investors, developers and development agencies, local authorities, investment, construction and service companies, that will be held on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March, from 9:00 to 10:30 am. We are waiting for you!