Business Opportunities in Asia: ADB Annual Meeting in Milan

The 58th ADB Annual Meetings of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will be held in Milan, Italy, from 4 to 7 May 2025.

This international event will see the participation of Ministers, Governors and senior officials from the 69 ADB member countries as well as other interested parties, including: observers, international organizations and institutional partners, participants from the private sector (international organizations and banking and financial sector), journalists and media representatives, non-governmental organizations and civil society associations, ADB and MEF staff and possible companions, for a total of approximately 5,000 daily attendees.

The event, coordinated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance - Treasury Department, has as its main objective the strengthening of economic cooperation and development between Italy, Europe and the Asia-Pacific economies.

YesMilano, Assolombarda, Confcommercio Milano and PROMOS Italia will be present with a dedicated space to support companies in accessing the opportunities offered by the ADB and other international financial institutions.

If your company is interested in participating, express your interest by filling out the form at this LINK by March 31st.

Important: the request does not guarantee participation, as the applications will be evaluated by ADB and the selected companies will receive a personal link for registration. Participation is free.