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8 Research center / Innovation center / Technology parks



  • Technological innovation centres such as the CSMT and AQM.
  • Research centres (Istituto Zooprofilattico e Centro Miglioramento del Latte e della Carne).
  • PDO wines and cheeses (such as the famous Grana Padano).
  • Niche sectors globally recognised for the quality of their output include the biomedical sector.
  • Health service structure in the region (especially the first-rate hospitals)
  • Increased specialisation (supported by the university's engineering department and by the CSMT).
  • Marble working and manufacturing is another important sector on a global scale.
  • Specialist marble school (Istituto Vantini) and exports the famous Botticino marble to a number of different countries.
  • Boating industry and its production facilities were recently given recognition by the Lombardy regional government.


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