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Why invest in Lombardy ?

Lombardy is one of the four motors of the European economy. With more than 800,000 companies hosted, it is an international business hub strategically located in the heart of the EMEA markets: an area that represents 15% of world GDP. It is equipped with optimal accessibility and logistic infrastructures and its economic environment is strongly focused on innovation: : with 20% of R&D; spending and 31% of patents filed in Europe registered in the Region and 9 Technological Clusters. Lombardy is also tourism: 1st in Italy with 10 Unesco Heritage sites and 473 protected areas, with over 50% of international tourists.

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lombardy map

Discover our region and find your locational opportunities

Thanks to our innovative research tool, you can find the best opportunity for your business all over the Lombardy region: from greenfield and brownfield AttrACT and further call of proposal opportunities to real estate projects and innovation and research centers.

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More than 50 greenfield opportunities, located all over the region with a surface of at least 10,000 sqm to be built on. The location opportunities mapped through the AttrACT Program and subsequent calls for interest have various intended uses and for each opportunity are reported general and representative information.


More than 60 brownfield opportunities, located all over the region with gross floor surface of at least 1,000 sqm for existing structures. The locational opportunities mapped in the AttrACT Program are and subsequent calls for interest have various intended uses and for each opportunity are reported general and representative information.

Real Estate Projects

The Lombardy Region, together with ICE Agenzia, has been participating for several years to the MIPIM in Cannes, the most important annual real estate fair in the world. The research tool includes over 30 real estate projects presented by the Lombard Municipalities and selected through the call of proposal specifically developed for the event, in order to create investment and networking opportunities.

Innovation and research center

The importance of innovation in Lombardy is well represented by the plurality of subjects - such as hubs, incubators, accelerators, research and development centers - present in the territory. The research tool allows you to identify key, main, leading Innovation and research centers in the area, presenting their characteristics and fields of activity.

Our demand and offer noticeboard for investment opportunities Explore and participate in our investment searches and offers

Invest in Lombardy’s demand and offer noticeboard streamlines the search for land or properties, and highlights strategic settlement opportunities in the Lombardy region. Public and private actors can respond to the announcements by proposing suitable land or properties, while companies can explore the available offers.

The AttrACT Program and subsequent Calls for Interest for the mapping of location opportunities and of investments

Since 2017, with the launch of the AttrACT Program, a systematic mapping of location opportunities has been initiated, with the active participation of municipalities who are committed to enhancing their own territorial offers and supporting investors through measures aimed at streamlining procedures and facilitating the development of economic activities.

Over the years, the expansion of territorial opportunities has continued through the subsequent Calls for Interest, culminating in October 2024 with the launch of Opportunity Lombardy. This new initiative extends the mapping of areas and properties to private entities as well, further strengthening investment opportunities in the region.

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over 80 Municipalities and other public and private entities associated with the AttrACT - Invest in Lombardy project
over 125 development opportunities available to investors
over 35 urban regeneration and development projects

Key sectors

Incentives and funding

Incentives and funding at national and regional levels for enterprises

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Innovation and Human Capital

The excellence of the Lombard university system fosters highly qualified human capital within an ecosystem rich in technological infrastructures and innovation centers.

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If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

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📢 The "Opportunity Lombardy" call for interest is now open! Propose your area or property and attract potential investors.

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